Saturday, September 29, 2007

My Other Blog

For those that care, I have another blog (that is probably far more fascinating than this offense). Visit it at: (searchthe keyword "mcfreed"). Or, try:

I Find This, Well, Delicious...!

Just discovered "tagging" thru del-icio-us - how cool! I do wonder what traditional library catalogers think about this - do they think we have dumb-downed their field? Or do they think, "Thankfully, the rest of the world finally GETS IT!?" Anyway, I think its pretty neat. Can't wait to install it on my pc at home, and revise all my saved bookmarks. #13 under my ever-expanding belt (of knowledge, that is)...


Friday, September 21, 2007

6 - 6 - 6...Let's Sing a Song of 6...How Many is 6???

How many of you remember that little ditty from Sesame Street? How many of you are old like me??? How many of you knew that actress Holly Robinson Peete's father was the original Gordon on Sesame Street? But, I digress...

Anyway, after being out of the 23 Things thing for a few weeks (thx to a vacation to Vegas, and another to OC), I have now completed Week 5, and am preparing to start on Week 6. That means, I have completed #1-15! Yea, me!